Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Train Students On Job-hunting Skills

It is no secret that there is a widespread perception, right or wrong, that some Tanzanian graduates are being deliberately passed in favour of foreigners when it comes to job placements.Part of the answer to the perception may lie in what the Government Communication Unit in the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat has said about graduates’ skills in the area of communication.We have also heard of the fears that partly because of the above skill deficiencies, Tanzanians will not be able to fully exploit the opportunities being created by the ratification of free movement of labour in the East...

Confusion in Constituent Assembly

 Constituent Assembly Chairman, Samwel Sitta Several members of the Constituent Assembly have faulted Chairman Samwel Sitta’s appointments of the five members to the leadership committee.They were speaking after the Civic United Front Chairman Prof Ibrahim Lipumba turned down his appointment by CA Chairman Sitta to the committee, blaming the ruling party for turning the CA into a CCM platform.Prof Lipumba’s appointment to the streering committee was announced on Monday evening by the...

Can tyranny of numbers deliver a people’s Law?

"I wasn’t in control of why members in different committees decided to vote the way the voted…I did not have any ill motives against the Opposition in coming up with these names. I nominated Prof Lipumba so he could represent the entire Opposition in the Steering Committee,’’ SAMWEL SITTA'' Dar es Salaam/Dodoma.  With Members  of Constituent Assembly (MCAs) from the ruling party dominating  crucial Katiba House committees, there are fears that the Constitution-making process...

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