Sunday, February 24, 2013

Leaders sign DR Congo peace deal

REGIONAL African leaders have signed a deal to try to bring peace to the war-torn east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, with plans to reinforce a UN-led mission to combat rebels. 

The UN Security Council is deeply concerned by worsening unrest in eastern DR Congo. Source: AAP

But with the ink still wet, the UN Security Council expressed concern at the deepening unrest in the region, once again condemning the mainly Tutsi M23 rebels, who UN investigators say are backed by Rwanda and Uganda.

Eleven countries in the Great Lakes region - including those accused of backing rebel groups - signed the accord at a ceremony in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in the presence of UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

"It is my hope that the framework will lead to an era of peace and stability for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the region," Ban said.

"It is only the beginning of a comprehensive approach that will require sustained engagement."

The accord aims to encourage the reform of weak institutions in the DRC, central Africa's largest nation, and calls for countries in the region to stop interfering in each other's affairs.

After the signing, US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice warned it was "imperative that the DRC's neighbours respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity by preventing external support to armed groups, which is a violation of international obligations".

The accord also provides for changes to the UN's 17,000-strong MONUSCO peacekeeping mission. That may lead to creation of a special UN "intervention brigade" to fight rebel groups and support political reforms, and the appointment of a UN special envoy.

South African President Jacob Zuma described the creation of the brigade, which will total 2500 troops, as a realistic way to quickly restore security.

DR Congo's mineral-rich east has been ravaged by conflict involving numerous armed groups for the past two decades, with new rebel movements spawned on a regular basis.

Neighbouring states have regularly been accused of meddling in the eastern DR Congo, with the illegal extraction of its valuable minerals one of their motivations.

The latest surge in violence erupted last year and culminated in the rebel March 23 movement (M23) - made up of largely Tutsi former soldiers - briefly seizing the key town of Goma in November.

At the UN headquarters in New York on Sunday, the Security Council again expressed concern at the deteriorating situation in eastern DR Congo.

Its members renewed their condemnation of the M23 group, one of the key targets of the UN accord.

"They reiterate their demand that the M23 cease immediately attempts to establish an illegitimate parallel administration," said a statement released by the council.

Rwanda and Uganda, both signatories of the new accord, have been accused by UN experts of backing the M23, which launched an uprising against the DR Congo government last year.

Kagame and the presidents of the DR Congo, South Africa, Mozambique, Congo and Tanzania were present for the signing of the agreement.



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