Thursday, July 24, 2014

6 charged with terrorism over Arusha restaurant bombing

 These six men were charged with terrorism at the Resident Magistrate’s Court in Arusha on Wednesday in connection to the recent bombing of a popular Indian restaurant.

Arusha. Six people were yesterday charged with terrorism in Arusha.

The accused allegedly carried out the bomb attack at a popular restaurant in the city earlier this month.

They were among eight people who were arrested on Monday night during an operation in which seven hand grenades and bomb-making material were also seized

The six were brought to the Arusha Resident Magistrate’s Court at around 1.20pm under tight security.

Scores of people jostled to get a glimpse of the suspects as they were being escorted into the court.

Mr Shaaban Mussa Mmasa, alias Jamal, 26; Mr Athumani Hussein Mmasa, 38; Mr Mohamed Nuru Salehe, 30; Mr Jaffari Hashim Lema, 38; Mr Abdul Muhamed Humud, 30, and Mr Saidi Maiko Temba, 42, appeared composed as the charges against them were being read out.

They were not allowed to enter a plea when they appeared before Resident Magistrate Rose Ngoka because terrorism-related cases are only heard by the High Court.

Prosecutors Augustino Kombe and Felix Kwatukia told the packed courtroom that the accused were involved in acts of terrorism in Arusha between February and July, this year.

They said the accused conspired to attack Vama Restaurant and carried out the July 7 bomb attack on the establishment, which wounded eight people.

Mr Athumani Mmasa and Mr Lema were also charged with illegal possession of explosives.

Mr Lema, Mr Saleh and Mr Temba faced an additional charge of facilitating terror attacks in Arusha by providing money to various people.

The  case was adjourned until August 6 when it will come up for another mention and the accused were remanded.

A 30-year-old man who was arrested in Monday’s operation and who police described as the “mastermind” of the attacks was not among those charged yesterday.
The suspect was arrested along with his wife after a cache of arms was found in their house.
Seven hand grenades, six rounds of ammunition, machetes and a powdery substance for making explosives were recovered from the house.
Director of Criminal Investigations Isaiah Mngulu told journalists on Tuesday that the suspect was among people who were being sought in connection with a series of bomb attacks in Arusha that have killed eight people and wounded at least 100 since May, last year.source the Citizen


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