Monday, November 11, 2013

Pregnant woman washed away in Typhoon Haiyan floods gives birth in rubble

Miracle birth: New-born baby Bea Joy is held as mother Emily Ortega, 21, rests after giving birth at an improvised clinic at Tacloban airport

TACLOBAN, Philippines – Cheers have broken out in the typhoon-devastated airport of Tacloban city in the Philippines when 21-year old Emily Ortega gave birth to a girl.

It was a rare piece of good news for the city where officials fear 10,000 were killed, and where tens of thousands of residents saw their homes flattened by ferocious winds from Typhoon Haiyan.

The typhoon made landfall Friday, barrelling through the central Philippines, wiping away buildings and destroying homes with powerful winds. The birth of Bea Joy Sagales on Monday was near miraculous, officials said — her mother was in a shelter when the storm flooded the city. She clung to a post to survive, then reached the safety of the airport where a military doctor assisted the birth. Source The In2EastAfrica


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