Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kikwete to grace AFROPAC launch in Arusha

  The launch of African Organisation of Public Accounts Committees   (AFROPAC) takes place in Arusha on Monday, with President Jakaya Kikwete expected to grace the occasion.

President Jakaya Kikwete

Speaking on Saturday, Southern Africa Development Community Organisation of Public Accounts Committees (SADCOPAC) chairman Mr Sipho Makama said it is the first time that a head of state would grace the organization’s annual general meeting.

“We feel honoured by the Tanzanian President to participate in our meetings,” stated Mr Makama who is also the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee in the South African Parliament.

SADCOPAC in conjunction with the Parliament of Tanzania and the National Audit Office will be holding its 10th Conference of Annual Conference and the Annual General Meeting in Arusha from the 1st of September to the 7th.

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee, Mr Zitto Kabwe added here that during the meeting a new continental body, AFROPAC will be established with the aim of improving cooperation among member countries in relation to parliamentary oversight, in spite of differing political, economic and social systems.

“The other objective was to create a structure where members could network with the view to sharing best practices, and, where appropriate, harmonising and standardising the work of PAC in Africa,’’ said Mr Kabwe who is also the Member of Parliament for Kigoma, North.

The Seven-day SADCOPAC meeting runs under the theme under the theme “Enhancing Parliamentary Scrutiny in the Use of Public Resources,’’ and will bring to Arusha Parliamentary Speakers and heads of public accounts committees from all over the continent.

Over 300 delegates including, Members of Parliament, Auditors General, Accountants General, Presiding Officers of each member Parliaments, PAC clerks, Researchers, Speakers Forum, SADCParliamentary Forum and Donor community are participating in the Conference. source


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