Monday, January 7, 2013

Four Bandits Caught Red-Handed in Mbeya

Daily News 

Mbeya — FOUR  suspected bandits have been arrested by police in Mbeya for allegedly breaking into a warehouse along Unyamwanga Street, Tunduma in Momba District and stealing various goods.

Mbeya Regional Police Commander (RPC), Diwani Athumani, said the incident occurred yesterday morning, adding that the suspects were arrested by police who were on patrol. He named the suspects as Ramson Mwakilindi (23), Amos Mwandebele (20), Isaka John (26) and Kalitusi Thobias (24) - all residents of Mlowo.

He said the suspects succeeded to break into the warehouse belonging to Nida Textile Mills and stole various goods whose value has not been established. Commander Athumani explained that during the arrest, one of the suspects, Kalitus Thobias, was shot and wounded in his right foot and he was admitted to Tunduma Health centre.

The RPC said at the scene that they found two gas cylinders used to break the gates and padlocks and a Mitsubishi Canter with registration No. T 274 BPF belonging to Amos Mwamlima. "Now, we are making efforts to identify and arrest other suspected bandits who managed to run away.

Fortunately, they were not able to steal even though they had already started to load goods into the vehicle," said the RPC. He urged the society especially youth to use legal means to get money or wealth, instead of resorting to illegal means such as robbery.

Meanwhile, LUDOVICK KAZOKA reports that police in Mbeya Region have embarked on a manhunt for a suspect who butchered his wife over witchcraft accusations at Sambandolo, Ipapa Village in Mbozi District over the weekend

RPC Athumani told the 'Daily News' over the phone that the suspect, Israel Kayuni, whose age was not immediately established, disappeared after allegedly killing his wife. Near the deceased's body, RPC Athumani said the police found a machete which is said to have been used to commit the crime in the couple's bedroom.

"The body was taken to Mbeya Regional Hospital mortuary for preservation pending burial arrangements," he said. Commander Athumani pointed out that the suspect waylaid his wife identified as Lena Mbughi (34) while asleep on a mat in the bedroom and she died of excessive bleeding.

In another incident, RPC Athumani said the police arrested Ndumigwe Ikusa (50), after he was found in possession of 30 litres of illicit brew and a plant used to brew the 'gongo' at Uyole area in Mbeya Region over the weekend. "The people should avoid consuming illicit brew because it is not useful for human health and it is against the law," he said.

Commander Athumani also said the police have arrested one suspect, Furaha Sanga (23) with 55 pieces of dynamites at CCM Ilomba area in Mbeya over the weekend. "Preliminary investigations have indicated that the suspect is involved in robbery incidents whereby different properties were stolen in a night club in Mbeya municipality," he said


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